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Inflammatory Disease and the Human Microbiome
Published on May 22, 2014; Author: Amy D Proal; Specialty: Microbiology

The human body is a superorganism in which thousands of microbial genomes continually interact with the human genome. A range of physical and neurological inflammatory diseases are now associated with shifts in microbiome composition. ... Indeed, it is now understood that the vast majority of microbes capable of persisting in Homo sapiens cannot be cultured in a laboratory. In contrast, studies using these new molecular tools have revealed the presence of thousands of previously unknown microbes in human tissue and blood (Pagani et al., 2012). These microbes persist both in and on the human body, and are collectively referred to as the human microbiome. ... Much of the inflammation and systemic dysfunction observed among patients with autoimmune and inflammatory disease can now be traced to components of the microbiome, and to the genetic pathways that pathogens within the microbiome dysregulate in order to survive. ... Our knowledge of the chronic viruses that persist in Homo sapiens is also rapidly evolving. Gordon and colleagues analyzed the fecal virome of monozygotic twins and their mothers (Reyes et al., 2010). Eighty one percent of the reads generated from this virome did not match those of any known viruses. In 2011, Pride et al. (2012) found that hundreds of previously uncharacterized bacteriophage species dominate the oral cavity, some of them serving as reservoirs for pathogenic gene function. The over nine million non-human genes represented by the microbiome (Yang et al., 2009) dwarf the meager 20,500 that comprise the human genome. This knowledge implies a redefinition of the human/microbe relationship. The human body is best understood as a superorganism whose metabolism represents a combination of microbial and human interaction. ... The millions of proteins and metabolites expressed by these and other microbes continually interact with those expressed by our own human genomes. The resulting interactions between these foreign and host proteins — the interactome — significantly impact all of the body's metabolic pathways. ... The expression of our human genes is continually modified by the microbes and their metabolic products. ... It is becoming increasingly clear that inflammatory disease processes are not due to acquisition of any single pathogen. Instead, they appear to result from alterations in the complex microbial communities. It follows that Koch's postulates, which dictate that one microbe must be proven causative of a single disease state, can no longer be supported in the era of the metagenome. ... Pathogens capable of intracellular persistence can cause significant dysregulation. Many of the pathogens that contribute to chronic inflammatory disease persist inside the nucleated cells. ... These intracellular pathogens directly interfere with transcription, translation, and DNA repair at the cellular level. ... This kind of interference results in severe dysregulation of the interactome. Read more ...



[See: Chronic Disease, LAB TESTS & RESULTS, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: Toxicological and Sensitivity Mechanisms]

Physicians Nathan, Teitelbaum and Shoemaker Rap About Moldparadigmchange.me/wp/three-physicians/

*** Beat the War Against Mold [with symptom list] — alternativemedicine.com/alternative-medicine/beat-war-against-mold

Ritchie Shoemaker, MD, renowned specialist on Mold Toxicity - Excellent color coded chart on The Biotoxin Pathwaysurvivingmold.com/docs/biotoxinpathwayritchieshoemakermd.pdf or — survivingmold.com/docs/biotoxinpathway.pdf

"Dr. Patel first began looking into Dr. Shoemaker's incredible work on CIRS [Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome] resulting from exposure to water damaged buildings (WDB) in 2010. He found many of his “lyme patients” who had experienced only partial improvement, turned out to be simultaneously suffering from toxic exposure to WBD. When they began responding dramatically to simply getting out of their home and taking cholestyramine, Dr. Patel's interest was piqued to learn more about Dr. Shoemaker's treatment approach to this illness. To date, Dr. Patel continues to see patients making impressive recoveries from this debilitating illness." feeds.feedburner.com/SurvivingMold

The Biotoxin Pathway on Mold Toxicity — BiotoxinPathway-RitchieShoemakerMD.pdf or BiotoxinPathway-Mold.pdf

Lab Tests Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker deems necessary [See: LAB TESTS and RESULTS above] — survivingmold.com/diagnosis/lab-tests

BLACK MOLD SYMPTOMS - Stachybotrys (exhaustive list of 73 symptoms) — sherbailey.com/fibromyalgia/

open list...

BLEACH DOES NOT KILL MOLD!normi.org/articles/bleach-mold.php

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) warns, "Molds have the potential to cause health problems. Molds produce allergens (substances that can cause allergic reactions), irritants, and in some cases, potentially toxic substances (mycotoxins)." "Molds gradually destroy the things they grow on." Mold spores include the more common forms as Aspergillus, Chrysosporium and Penicillium and the more uncommon and dangerous molds as Stachybotrys (Black Mold).

Mold Toxicity and Lyme Disease "There are different species of molds that are toxic to humans. Some of these molds include: ... Stachybotrys, Memnoniella, Penicillium, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Mucor, Anternaria. ... Some of the very first signs you may have an allergy to mold are: is sneezing, a runny nose, coughing, eye irritation, or a closed or sore throat. For longtime exposure, look for symptoms like: asthma, constant headaches, swollen glands, neurological disorders, loss of appetite, nose bleeds, sinus and bronchitis infections, and fibromyalgia ( I refer to fibro a symptom, not a diagnosis), cancer, blindness, bleeding lungs, among other issues." — kimmiecakeskickslyme.wordpress.com/2013/11/05/mold-toxicity-and-lyme-disease/amp/

*** Symptoms of mold: — https://www.trilliumclinic.net/treatments and "The steps to Biotoxin Treatment" trilliumclinic.net/treatments

*** Antifungals: medical and natural sources — holistichelp.net/antifungals.html

Treating patients of low vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) using tadalafilsurvivingmold.com/store1/presentations/treatment-of-patients-with-cfs-with-low-levels-of-vasoactive-intestinal-polypeptide-vip-using-tadalafil ["Shoemaker RS, House D, Ryan JC. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) corrects chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS) acquired following exposure to water-damaged buildings. Health. 2013;5(3):396-401." bit.ly/1nd2upm or survivingmold.com/docs/VIP_published_3_2013.pdf [See: VasoactiveIntestinalPeptide(VIP)Protocol.pdf] (VIP Source: rxandhealth.com/compounding/for_mds/formulary_information)

    The trial showed that VIP therapy safely:
  • 1) reduced refractory symptoms to equal controls;
  • 2) corrected inflammatory parameters C4a, TGF beta-1, VEGF, MMP9;
  • 3) corrected estradiol, testosterone and 25-OH Vitamin D;
  • 4) returned pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP) during exercise to normal; and
  • 5) enhanced quality of life in 100% of trial patients.

Pulmonary Hypertension involvement warrants treatment of mold: (You can replace the word Mold with Lyme because they're both biotoxins that trigger the same inflammatory cascade. )

"Treatment of CFS patients with low levels of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and shortness of breath with tadalafil improves dysfunctional pulmonary artery responses to exercise and exercise tolerance." — *** biotoxin.info/images/IACFS_tadalafil.pdf || drugs.com/monograph/tadalafil.html

Ritchie Shoemaker, MD on Facebook — facebook.com/surviving.mold?sk=wall
Ritchie Shoemaker, MD on Google+ — plus.google.com/111721611507703880016/posts
Ritchie Shoemaker, MD on Twitter — twitter.com/SurvivingMold

Medication Notice for Cholestyramine (CSM) & CSM Protocol: — survivingmold.com/docs/CSM_Fact_Sheet.pdf

*** The Invisible Disease [Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome caused by exposure to various forms of toxic air found in Water-Damaged Buildings (CIRS-WDB)] — survivingmold.com/community/the-invisible-disease

"CIRS-WDB is also a bellwether for a much more dangerous invisible illness that affects our species as a whole. We're stuck in a pattern of thinking that says it's okay to plunder and pollute our way to prosperity. Under the radar, chemicals we're spewing into the environment are causing genetic mutations in microbial species. Some of these mutations produce never-before-seen biotoxins."

Sick building syndrome (SBS) - symptoms, etc. — ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2796751/

Sorting out MOLD TOXICITY or CHRONIC INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE SYNDROME (CIRS) [With Lab tests] parkridgemultimed.com/site/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Mold-Toxicity1.pdf

*** Mold Illness Treatment - Step By Step — survivingmold.com/treatment/step-by-step

Spring Mold and Seepage Inspection info — gotmold.ca/2014/04/why-should-i-have-a-spring-mold-and-seepage-inspection/

Depressionhealthline.com/health-news/researcher-identifies-five-types-of-depression-050814 (or Yahoo Health)

"Undermethylated Depression: This type of depression was found in 38 percent of patients in the study. The problem in these cases is low activity at serotonin receptors, apparently due to rapid reabsorbtion after serotonin is released into a synapse."

Information on CFS, FM, MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity), Lyme Disease, Thyroid, and more *** [See: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity]

Melissa Kaplan's: Chronic Neuroimmune Diseasesanapsid.org/cnd/mcs/ei4.html

Melissa Kaplan's: Lyme Diseaseanapsid.org/lyme/index.html and Treat Lyme and Associated Diseases — treatlyme.net/treat-lyme-book/

The connection between toxic mold and ME/CFS [Paradigm Change is a new not-for-profit organization focusing on a cluster of several interrelated conditions: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Fibromyalgia, Gulf War Illness, Chronic Lyme, Mold/Biotoxin Illness, and Environmental/Food Sensitivities.] — paradigmchange.me/

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